Genetic Gains Ltd. operates a DEER Select bureau. DEER Select, supported by the Deer Industry of New Zealand (DINZ) is our national Red deer and Wapiti database. Its powerful data processing capabilities are enormous.
Parentage, growth, meat yield, worm resistance and velvet production records from many years (if available) are included in each of DEER Select’s highly sophisticated genetic analyses. These allow the value of an animal as a parent to be predicted and enable breeders to select breeding animals on their genetic merit for the productive traits which generate income.
Breeders can easily see the genetic improvement being made within their herd on their Genetic Trends Graphs.
What can we do for you?
- As an official DEER Select Bureau, we provide Red deer and Wapiti recording services. We work with you to determine the most effective way for you to collect information relevant to your breeding operation, and the simplest way to send it to us for entry into the DEER Select database.
- Most breeders submit information by downloading files from the indicator for their scales and emailing it to us. If Genmonz’s DNA pedigree service is used, their parentage and genomic breed files can be forwarded to us so we can load this information onto the database.
- Other breeders tag at birth and enter the information on an excel file, then email it to us. Prenumbered prelists are then used to enter other trait measurements and dates.
- Reports relevant to the data received are returned to you after each set of data is analysed.
- Updated reports in your chosen format are available on request at any time.
A rapid rate of genetic improvement such as that shown on the Genetic Trends Graph below is dependent on strategic selection of breeding animals using breeding values and indexes generated by DEER Select.
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We are committed to making the animal recording process as user friendly as possible.
Fast track the genetic gains of your herd through our DEER Select recording services.